While lifestyle changes and diet are key factors, science has shown that genetic predisposition plays a crucial role in the development of overweight and obesity. It is estimated that between 60% and 70% of cases are influenced by this factor (Jornal USP, 2022).
Endocrinologist Márcio Marcini from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, notes that “genetics has a huge influence both on the genesis of obesity and on the weight loss process,” emphasizing that the environment is very important for those predisposed to weight gain.
Moreover, the specialist considers that genes influence various bodily processes, which can make us crave fatty foods more or feel lazy about exercising.
Genetic Influence and Lifestyles
Meanwhile, research published in the Brazilian scientific journal Nutrição, consulted by the Data Laboratory Against Obesity (Laboratorio de Datos contra la Obesidad, LabDO), indicates that several studies clearly demonstrate the participation of genetic components in the incidence of obesity. It is estimated that between 40% and 70% of the phenotypic variation associated with obesity is hereditary, and genetic influence as a cause of obesity can manifest through changes in appetite or energy expenditure (Revista de Nutrição, 2004).
Thus, heredity is also a determining factor in some diseases and a risk element for developing diabetes, osteoporosis, hypertension, cancer, or obesity.
Furthermore, it points out that the increase in obesity prevalence in almost all countries in recent years seems to indicate a genetic predisposition or susceptibility to obesity, which is also affected by environmental factors related to lifestyle.
An article published by National Geographic highlights that some scientists have discovered that genetic mutations making a person feel less satiated after eating may be more common than previously thought, leading those with these variants to eat more frequently or consume higher-calorie foods (National Geographic, 2023).
Obesity Prevalence in Mexico
According to researchers from the Faculty of Chemistry at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition “Salvador Zubirán” (INCMN), and the National Institute of Genomic Medicine, the Mexican population has a high genetic predisposition to develop overweight and obesity, consequently leading to chronic diseases and their metabolic complications (UNAM, Faculty of Chemistry, 2024).
It is noteworthy that, according to data from the Continuous National Health and Nutrition Survey (Ensanut), between 2020 and 2023, the prevalence of obesity among adults in Mexico was 37.1% (ENSANUT, 2024).
- ENSANUT, INSP. (2024). Obesidad en adultos. https://ensanut.insp.mx/encuestas/ensanutcontinua2023/doctos/analiticos/15863-Texto%20del%20art%C3%ADculo-82493-2-10-20240821.pdf
- Jornal USP. (2022, 6 de agosto). Las estimaciones muestran que la genética. https://jornal.usp.br/atualidades/estimativa-mostra-que-genetica-pode-ser-responsavel-por-cerca-de-60-dos-casos-de-obesidade/
- LabDO, R. (2025, February 12). Genética influye en el desarrollo de la obesidad. Laboratorio De Datos Contra La Obesidad. https://labdo.org/genetica-influye-en-el-desarrollo-de-la-obesidad/
- National Geographic. (2023, 10 de mayo). ¿Qué papel desempeña la genética en la obesidad? https://www.nationalgeographic.es/ciencia/2023/05/obesidad-genetica-implicacion
- Revista de Nutrição. (2004, septiembre). Aspectos genéticos da obesidad. https://www.scielo.br/j/rn/a/KLBxpVqvzWWxFr3YVG5x7CH/
- UNAM, Facultad de Química. (2024, 14 de agosto). Presenta población mexicana alta predisposición genética hacia sobrepeso y obesidad. https://quimica.unam.mx/presenta-poblacion-mexicana-alta-predisposicion-genetica-hacia-sobrepeso-y-obesidad/